Children should dress for outdoor, as well as indoor, play & wear clothing that makes self-toileting easy. Do not select clothes that must be kept spotless. The school will not be held responsible for damage to your child’s clothing. For safety purposes, closed-toe shoes are required. Sandals, Crocs, & flip-flops are not permissible.
The Moorings Presbyterian Preschool Program believes that both children & staff have three basic rights:
1. Everyone has the right to be free from verbal & physical abuse.
2. Everyone has the right to learn, grow, & have fun.
3. Everyone has the right to safety for themselves & their personal property.
The goal of discipline for children is to help them learn acceptable limits of behavior & to help them develop self-control of their behavior. This is accomplished by providing an environment that allows for independence, yet sets clear limits & expectations of the child. Limits are maintained by adults who have realistic expectations of the child based on the child’s developmental level.
Discipline may take many forms & will be geared to the child’s age & the severity of the problem. When possible, the program will allow the child to experience the natural consequences of their actions. In no instances will any form of corporal punishment, humiliation, ridicule, threat, or other similar action be used or condoned with children. The program also prohibits parents, guardians, & others from using any of the aforementioned while at the program’s centers. Children will be encouraged to work out problems constructively & develop respect for self, others, & their environment.
If a child exhibits behavior that infringes on another person’s rights or property, one or more of the following actions will occur. These are examples only & these actions may or may not occur in this order. Program staff will match an action appropriate with the misbehavior.
• The child may experience the logical consequences of their actions.
• The child may be redirected to an appropriate activity.
• The child may be reminded of the program/school’s rules.
• The child may be given time to reflect about their behavior.
• The child may be put “off limits” from a piece of equipment or area of the site.
• The parent/guardian may be called & required to pick up the child.
• The parent/guardian may be contacted, & a conference will be arranged to discuss ways of solving the problem.
• Child’s schedule may be reduced short term or permanently.
Limits are set in each classroom to ensure safety for all children, care of property, good health habits, & consideration for others. Our goal is to help a child retain control of emotions & actions. When necessary, teachers will: redirect a child to another activity; temporarily remove a child from the situation or activity; or schedule a parent conference.
At no time shall children be subjected to discipline that is severe, humiliating, or frightening. Discipline shall not be associated with food, rest, or toileting. Spanking or any other form of physical punishment is prohibited.
If your child will not be at school, a phone call to the school office (239-649-1811 or 239-213-5250) or your child’s teacher is appreciated.
Parents are required to place emergency contact information on file with the school. Please notify the office of any changes & be certain a current phone number is on file. Facilities for emergency care in school are very limited.
Arrangements for taking your child home should be made promptly.
Regarding communicable diseases, only a physician or nurse from the Collier County Health Department can certify that a child is free of communicable disease. For the safety of all children, we request that the child be kept home until an official clearance has been obtained.
If a serious illness or injury occurs, the parent will be notified immediately, & the director may call emergency Medical Services or take the child to an emergency care facility. Medical treatment will require parental permission. In cases where the legal guardian cannot be reached, your director may make any emergency medical decisions if the injury is life threatening.
For your child’s protection, we cannot administer medication, unless for life threatening illnesses.
Each class may hold a Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, & end-of-the-year party. Teachers will arrange for parents to bring in treats. Children may celebrate their birthday in class. Parents are to make arrangements with the classroom teacher at least one week in advance.
Progress reports are sent home in January & May for the three & four year olds.
School office hours are 8:00am to noon. Four-year-old classes will begin at 8:20am. Three-year-old classes will begin at 8:25am. Two-year-old classes will begin at 8:40am.
We try follow the Collier County Public Schools protocol for emergency or weather-related closings, but from time to time our campus schedule may differ. Families will be notified via email or through ProCare.
Please listen to the local TV & radio stations & watch your weather reports carefully any time a storm threatens the Florida coast.
Special items may be brought to school only on a day specified by the teacher. Family photos, nature objects, & vacation souvenirs are all great ideas for show-n-tell. Please do not send in anything fragile or irreplaceable.
Keep all toys, gum, or candy at home. Items of value such as jewelry, electronic games, heirlooms, & money should also remain at home.
Pets may not be brought to school unless requested by a teacher for a special project. Permission from the director is required before an animal may be brought to school.
Teacher requests for the following school year may be made by parents. A written letter should be delivered to the preschool director. Requests will always be considered, but cannot be guaranteed.